Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I Think I'm in Pittsburgh

Every now and again I check my blog stats through Blogger, just to see if anybody ever visits this silly thing. (Surprisingly, people sometimes do. I get maybe two or three hits a day, and my Technorati rank has soared all the way to 8,911,336.)

For a few weeks I'd been noticing that the blog was getting regular hits from Pittsburgh, which was odd because I don't know anybody in Pittsburgh and I've never even visited there.

Still, I flattered myself that there might actually be somebody in the Steel City who found my blog so interesting as to become a regular visitor. Wow! I have a public!

But yesterday I noticed something else. I've been getting almost no hits from Illinois. Lots of hits from Pittsburgh, no hits from Illinois. Hmm.

There is only one explanation I can think of for this: My Internet connection must have been rerouted, and my mysterious reader in Pittsburgh is ... me.

So I guess that's where I am now. Pittsburgh. If you're every traveling through, stop by and, umm, say hello.

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