Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Only You Can Decide the Fate of This Baseball

The guy who bought the baseball that Barry Bonds hit to break Hank Aaron's record has set up a website where we, the people, get to vote what he will do with the ball. The three options are:

  1. Give it to the Baseball Hall of Fame
  2. Brand it with an asterisk, then give it to the Hall of Fame
  3. Put it on a rocket and shoot it into space
I think the "asterisk" option will win. Shooting it into space seems And handing it over to the Hall of Fame seems too...ordinary.

Besides, burning an asterisk into the ball would just have to irritate Barry Bonds. That makes it a good option right there.

UPDATE: This is already irritating Barry Bonds!
Bonds said Ecko could have found a better way to spend three-quarters of a million dollars.

"He's stupid. He's an idiot," Bonds said. "He spent $750,000 on the ball and that's what he's doing with it? What he's doing is stupid."

Ecko did not directly respond to Bonds' comments Wednesday, but said in a statement he would make Bonds a custom T-shirt that says, "Marc Ecko paid $752,467 for my ball, and all I got was this 'stupid' T-shirt."'
I think Ecko is very smart. Apparently he's a fashion designer by trade, and in that business your name is your brand. This guy has bought tons of brand recognition by doing this.

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